Wig gives a beautiful look to the hair but choosing a wig that works well for the face is a challenge. Wigs come in a variety of shapes and colors, giving the wearer a variety of looks. Continue reading to learn more about how to straighten a wig if you don’t want to wear the same curly wig for a long time and want to change it.
Straighten a wig with a flat iron
Both human hair and synthetic wigs can be used in this way. Because heat can melt synthetic hair strands, you should use a heat-resistant wig. First and foremost, be certain that your wig is good-quality.
Step 1. Fix your wig on a wig stand
If you don’t have a wig stand at home, you can use a tripod. Place a pin on top of it to keep it from moving while you brush and straighten it.
Step 2. Detangle your wig
Detangle it carefully with a comb, then spray it with a heat protectant from root to tip. This will aid in the wig’s moisture retention and protect it from heat damage. Throughout the process, use heat-resistant gloves.
Step 3. Plugin your flat iron and set the temperature
Set the flat iron to the lowest setting and preheat it. Most hair straighteners may reach temperatures of up to 450 degrees Fahrenheit, which is too hot for any wig. Keep the temperature between 223°F and 250°F (110°C and 121°C). If the wig strands are thick, iron them between 250 and 270 degrees Fahrenheit.
Note: Before applying any heat to the wig, make sure your hair wig is absolutely dry.
Step 4. Begin with small sections of hair
Starting at the bottom of your wig, straighten a few hair strands. Continue in this manner until you’ve completed the bottom section. Then straighten the central area of your wig’s strands. Finally, go to the top of the wig and straighten the entire top section. Allow 5-6 minutes to pass without touching them.
Step 5. Comb the wig
After completely cooling and drying the wig, comb the strands softly and evenly with a wide-toothed brush. Finally, spritz the strands with a styling spray to keep them straight for a longer time. These procedures can also be used to straighten a costume wig or a cosplay wig.
Straighten a wig with a hairdryer
Both synthetic and human hair wigs can be applied with this method. If you have a low-quality wig, however, you cannot use this process.
Step 1. Test the wig’s hair
Before you begin straightening, you must first conduct a compatibility test. Clip a little bit of wig hair from the wig. Use the heat from your hairdryer to test that area. Set the thermostat to a warm or medium setting. Check to see if your hair has frizzed or melted. If this is the case, your wig is not suitable for straightening with a hairdryer.
Step 2. Straighten the wig and detangle it
Place the wig on a stand and secure it with a pin if it passes the test. Detangle the wig hair by brushing it section by part with a wide-toothed comb.
Step 3. Begin straightening your wig with a hairdryer
- Now, with one hand, hold the hair on the bottom and the other, a hairdryer. Turn the machine on and adjust the heat setting. The hottest setting should be avoided because it will harm your wig. It’s better if you keep the wig strands straight as much as possible.
- Begin straightening from the roots and work your way down the length of your synthetic wig with the dryer. It’s better to be delicate with the nozzle here and avoid leaving it in one spot for too long.
- Begin straightening from the roots and work your way down the length of your synthetic wig with the dryer. It’s better to be delicate with the nozzle here and avoid leaving it in one spot for too long. Spread the heat evenly throughout the wig. Continue this technique until it is completely straightened, then enjoy your new wig look.
Using a steamer to flatten the hair wig
This procedure is best for a synthetic wig, but it is fine if you want to use it on your human hair wig. In addition, you’ll require a portable steamer.
Step 1. Put the wig on a mannequin head
Place the wig on a stand or a mannequin head first. Using a pin, secure the wig to the stand. Then brush away any tangles with a brush. Don’t be too rough with the hair; instead, be delicate and patient.
Step 2. Start the steamer
You can plug in and preheat your portable steamer while detangling the wig strands. Take one hand for the wig brush and the other for the portable steamer. Brush and steam each area of the wig strands separately. Remember not to get too close to the wig with the steam. Also, do not leave the steamer in one position for an extended period. Your wig’s fibers will be damaged as a result of this.
Step 3. Use a steamer to straighten your hair
Work your way through each segment three times or until the wig is completely straight. Unplug the steamer once the hair is straight and let the wig cool and air dry entirely. Spray some wig conditioner on the wig once it’s completely dry.
How to straighten a wig with hot water
Because synthetic wigs are easier to straighten than human hair wigs, this hot water wig straightening procedure will be fast and simple. It can be used on both human and synthetic hair, but because human hair is stronger, you may need to use it more than once to get the desired effects.
Step 1. Set the temperature of the hot water to a certain range
You’ll need to boil a large pot of water ahead of time so you’ll have enough water to try straightening your wig without using heat. After all, the longer your wig is, the more water you’ll need to keep it moist. On the other hand, you must maintain a water temperature of between 160 and 180 degrees Fahrenheit. You won’t be able to straighten your synthetic wig with hot water if the water isn’t hot enough, and if it’s too hot, the fibers will melt.
Step 2. Gently comb the hair
You should comb your wig with a wide-toothed comb to avoid knots and tangles. It’s worth noting that you can’t brush your wig if it’s wet or not totally dry. Brushing damp hair can easily result in frizzy and damaged fibers.
Step 3. Pour hot water in a stream evenly over your wig
The hot water softens the texture of your wig and aids in shaping it. So slowly pour hot water from the roots to the tips of your wig.
Step 4. If necessary, repeat the process
You can use the process to straighten your wig two or more times if you want the best results. After you’ve finished straightening and drying your wig, apply a wig conditioner or spray to it and carefully comb through it to remove any knots.
Step 5. Spray or condition your wig
With a hair conditioner, your hair wig will be smoother. You can also use the protected wig spray and wait for it to dry before combing the hair to prevent tangles and knots.
Wig wearers are constantly changing their haircuts to keep up with the latest fashion trends. Wavy or curly frontal wigs are straightened since the straight hair structure is more maintainable and looks excellent. Luxshine hopes these methods above have provided you with some insight into how to straighten a wig. If you don’t want to straighten your wig, visit Luxshine‘s website to see our collection of straight human hair wigs and other Vietnam hair extensions. After using it, you will be completely delighted with the quality of your hair as well as the price.