You must be familiar with virgin hair, mustn’t you? What about the term “mink hair”? Quite strange! If you are confused about choosing the mink hair extensions or you don’t know anything about it, read this blog of Luxshinehair. You will know what mink hair exactly is and why many people can’t stop loving these hair extensions.
What Is Mink Hair?
To understand more about mink hair, the first thing we need to do is to find out what virgin hair is?
Virgin hair is human hair from a single donor who has never experienced any chemical treatment such as dyes, perms, bleach, and so on. Therefore, it is regarded as a virgin quality and it is origin of term “milk hair” born. Mink hair refers to the highest quality of virgin hair in a way.
What are its characteristics?
Firstly, the mink hair bundles are extremely full, thick and soft. Undoubtedly, it gets an amazing shine and gloss that no one can resist. Secondly, cuticles of mink hair always flows in the same direction. This is the reason why we can rarely find it in tangling condition, which makes it easier for washing and combing than other hair types. Last but not least, mink hair allows you to freely color your hair extensions in any shades, even light blonde such as 613. In short, mink hair always gets good reviews from users for its outstanding characteristics. As a result, many customers purchase mink hair to create their glamorous crown.
It is not all. A number of customers also love mink hair due to its amazing durability. While a virgin hair extension can last up to 18 months, the longevity of a mink hair extension can reach to 2 or even 3 years. How wonderful it is! You don’t need to be worried about whether these mink hair extensions become ugly and damaged. With proper care, they will maintain burnished color and also can be dyed with new colors. The extensions made from mink hair bring you a natural look as if you were wearing your own hair. Thus, you can style or do whatever you want with them. Known as the top high quality hair, it is not hard for us to understand why the mink hair extensions are many people’s cup of tea.
How To Maintain The Mink Hair Weaves?
Like other human hair extensions, mink hair weaves need thorough care and maintenance to last longer. So, how to take care of them properly? As can be known, there are several tasks that should not be missed like daily brushing, washing, hydrating and using good hair care products. Let start to find out more details!
1. Wash It With Hair Weave Products
It is advised that you should wash your mink hair extensions with silicon-free and sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner as well. Maybe you don’t know sulfates in some products can cause damages to your hair extensions like raising sensitivity and irritation. Washing should be combined with conditioning to keep your mink hair weave easier to manage. Additionally, you ought to wash it after every swimming, exercising or working a lot in a dirty place. Why should you do it? Because dirt and sweat can make the mink hair weave dry and tangle easily.
Specially, it is vital for you to make deep conditioning and use a hair mask once a week for keeping moisture. Remember not to brush your weave when it was still wet because at that time the hair follicles are most vulnerable. If you brush the wet hair weave, you are damaging it to some extent. To deep condition, put your extensions into a warm water and then apply conditioner on it. Wait for nearly 20 minutes and rinse.
2. Dry Your Hair Weaves
Besides washing, properly drying your mink hair extension is also very important. Do you know that drying hair in a wrong way can lead to a variety of hair problems? It must be what you don’t want to get stuck. The best way is to allow it dry naturally instead of using dryer. But if you are in hurry and there is no way except for drying your weave with a dryer, pay attention to some points. Just use a blow dryer with less heat to limit unwanted damages. Or blowing the mink hair with cold hair is recommended.
3. Style Your Mink Hair Weaves
You are allowed to use heat tools to styles your mink hair weaves. But remember to apply a heat protection before styling it because in fact, the heat in styling tools can be harmful to the mink hair to some extent. By using heat protection, you can prevent it from damages as well as help smooth the cuticles on the hair shaft.
Luxshinehair has provided you with all the truth of mink hair. Many people fall in love with mink hair extensions because it can meet their demands, what about you? Choose for yourself the best one to help you shine and attract attention of others. Continue to read different articles to have more information about hair extensions especially Vietnam hair extensions as well as amazing tips for caring hair.